Our compliance team is made up of experienced and dedicated professionals who proactively monitor ongoing projects according to an audit schedule. The team provides live feedback to our construction teams, and confirms that work is being carried out safely and to a high standard.
Our safety representatives – who speak for the site teams during safety meetings – are voted for by our staff. This clear and open communication between the workforce and management is a further safeguard to ensure safe and hazard free sites.
All team members are provided with our Safety Advisors’ contact details whom they are able to contact at all times should they have any questions or queries.
All employers have a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the people who work for them are able to do their work without risk of injury or illness to themselves or to other people. We have a relevant policy which is distributed to all staff to make sure this happens at Allweather.
Our standards of work account all the most up-to-date legal requirements, including:
- the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
- the Working at Height Regulations
- the Control of Asbestos Regulations
- all other relevant legislation.
Our commitment to ensuring high standards of health and safety at work is taking all precautions to ensure the health and safety of people (staff and others) who may be affected by the company’s activities, and we pay particular attention to the provision of:
- Safe plant, equipment and systems of work
- Arrangements for the safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles, materials and substances
- Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable everyone to contribute to their own health and safety and to avoid hazards
- A safe and healthy working environment which complies with all relevant health, safety and welfare legislation and standards
- Safe places of work and safe access to and from it
- Adequate welfare facilities
- Arrangements for safety auditing, safety inspections and the reporting and investigation of accidents, incidents, occupational ill-health and hazards
- Arrangements for the effective planning, organization, control monitoring and review of preventative and protective measures
- Arrangements for suitable and sufficient risk assessments to be undertaken and for records to be kept and made available to anyone affected by them
- Arrangement for adequate consultation with staff over matters that affect their health and safety.
We ensure we keep our policies, training and staff up-to-date whenever new regulations come in that affect our work, or whenever we change the way we work.
The Health and Safety Co-ordinator will monitor the effectiveness of this policy in conjunction with the safety consultant after the appropriate consultation with staff and will review the policies at least annually. Any amendments will be brought to the attention of everyone who works for The Allweather Group Ltd.
It is of course, vital to the success of our health and safety that everyone working for the company plays their part in maintaining a high standard of health and safety at all times. This includes taking care of themselves and others, following the agreed working procedures, and reporting any hazards as soon as possible.
By working together, we keep our safety standards high, giving confidence to our customers and staff that they are in safe hands.